Xiao Fu in the Summer.

Guess what this lady has been up to?

Woot! Wearable art! I’ve been developing my brand and characters these past 6 months and I’m super excited to reveal this. This is the first new product of mine in a while and I am so happy with the results. It is also a new medium of mine to play with so look out for more in the future. Also notice the new logo. A website is in the works as well as possibly some PVC figures. Crossing my fingers that the brain juice will continue to work and get inspired. ^-^

The design on this shirt was based off of a tiger plushie I made 2 years ago for a art gallery show. It was inspired by my first trip to China with my family and I saw all these amazing folk art. Xiao Fu is in the same set of designs as Boba pig below. They will be an entire line of animal people as well. 😀

Here is a picture of me after I ripped apart the box and immediately put on the shirt in it’s instagrammed glory.

Also would appreciate some love on my facebook page. It’s lonely.
